Humana People to People Educational and Training Foundation

Humana People to People Educational and Training Foundation (the Foundation) is a Swiss non-governmental organisation, officially registered under the Registre du Commerce de Geneve, Switzerland with IDE CHE-213.021.797.

The Foundation’s main purpose is to provide global financial support to social projects, especially in the education sector and training activities being implemented by Humana People to People.

In its fourth year, the Foundation has funded education in Malawi related to primary education, which is a key in creating long- term transformation in that country.

The Foundation values investment in education as it can assist to transform people’s social and economic conditions including that of entire communities.

In 2022 the Foundation received dividends of 250,000EUR from Humana Social Enterprises Europe.


Activities in 2022

Global education

Education is a precondition for development, and it can also contribute to build peace in the world. The UNESCO led Transform Education Summit of 2022 acknowledged the power of education to bring about profound change. It notes that humanity and the planet are under threat as inequalities continue to hinder equal access to education, largely in developing countries. Education plays a pivotal role in creating the basic conditions for sustainable development.

Education must be approached as a human right and its access must be for all. Children and youth in sub-Saharan Africa continue losing out from education with the girl child being highly affected. Teachers struggle to provide quality education to learners as many of them lack professional teaching skills. On top of that, children and youth live under pressure of the climate crisis combined with extreme inequalities, which both threaten satisfaction of their basic needs such as food and shelter and hamper their possibilities for creating a better life.

The Foundation promotes access to education as a critical human right and the most powerful aid to development. The Foundation is committed to contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all."

Humana People to People Educational and Training Foundation

Since 2019, the Foundation has supported Development Aid from People to People in Malawi (DAPP Malawi) teacher training programmes and the Edukans Foundation Malawi capacity building activities in primary schools.


Supporting DAPP Malawi Teacher Training programme

Humana People to People Educational and Training Foundation

DAPP Malawi is actively supporting the Government of Malawi in improving the quality of education through training teachers for rural primary schools. Since 2003, four DAPP Malawi Teacher Training Colleges have graduated over 3 600 qualified primary school teachers of whom many are working in rural communities.

The Ministry of Education in Malawi works towards reducing the high pupil/teacher ratio that characterises most primary schools. Through investment in teacher training, DAPP Malawi commits to long- term development cooperation with the Government of Malawi in training highly qualified primary school teachers, who are ready to practice their profession in disadvantaged communities.

DAPP Malawi’s approach to education is centred on creating a space for students of all ages to be the drivers and navigators of their own training, in a collective setting where studying together and individually goes hand in hand. DAPP Malawi is a member of Humana People to People and uses the Humana People to People teacher training concept adapted to the local Malawian context with the national curriculum embedded into the programme

The teacher training is designed to nurture student teachers with “tools, heart, courage and wisdom” to act in their communities. Students go through theoretical and practical training on how to take up the role of a teacher and a community developer in the rural communities where they are most needed.

In 2022, the Foundation contributed US$165,000 to assist two teacher training colleges operated by Development Aid from People to People in Malawi (DAPP Malawi). DAPP Teacher Training College Chilangoma and DAPP Teacher Training College Dowa received the funding support in 2022.

The Government of Malawi and DAPP Malawi collaborated on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding that cuts across planning, coordination, education policy adherence and curriculum development. DAPP Malawi complements government efforts to develop curriculum, teaching and learning methods and materials, as well as building sustainable connections with the communities where the colleges are located.

DAPP Teacher Training College Chilangoma and DAPP Teacher Training College Dowa are both situated in rural areas. Student teachers interact and learn from people in the surrounding communities, affording them a chance to adapt to rural life.

One of the characteristics of the pedagogy practiced at the colleges is that student teachers are directly involved in planning and executing their own teaching and learning programme. They learn how to involve learners in primary school in their learning processes as well.

Student teachers are actively involved in the operation of the college. They handle the main areas critical for daily functions of the college. Thus, they know what it means as a teacher and a learner to have influence and real-life responsibility.

Extensive supervised school practice gives student teachers an opportunity to engage with communities around the practice schools. The communities serve as a place for student teachers to learn from, making it possible to engage in the lives of learners and parents.

Student teachers involve parents in their children’s school life, tap on experiences from farmers, mothers, elders and institutions in the local community.

There were two intakes in 2022, one in March and one in September. Over all, both colleges have reached targets they set out for in the teacher training, extra curricula activities and influencing local community development.


Key facts

DAPP Chilangoma Teacher Training College

The college is situated in Blantyre Rural, southern Region of Malawi. DAPP Teacher Training College Chilangoma equip teachers with various skills that enable them to transform and empower learners and rural communities. DAPP Teacher Training College Chilangoma started in 2003 as the first DAPP Malawi college in Malawi. In November 2022, the school graduated its 17th team. The college has a capacity for 194 boarding students. The college promotes 50-50 gender equality in enrollment and training of teachers.

The college is an influential institution of learning for the district and local community. Pass rate was 100% at the final exams in 2022.

DAPP Dowa Teacher Training College

The college is located in the central Region of Malawi. The college aims at training highly qualified male and female youths to become primary school teachers for the rural areas in Malawi and influence local community development. DAPP Teacher Training College Dowa was established in December 2010 when the first phase of the construction was completed. The college graduated its first 114 student-teachers in October 2012. The college was officially inaugurated on 30th November 2012. It exceeds the 50-50 gender equality balance with more female teachers graduated.

Pass rate was 100% at the final exams in 2022.


Edukans Foundation Malawi

Humana People to People Educational and Training Foundation

The Foundation supported Edukans Foundation Malawi with US$25,000 in 2022. The financial support to Edukans Foundation Malawi was a continuation of supporting primary school education in Malawi.

Edukans is an international non- governmental organisation which has been supporting education activities in Malawi since 2006. It has its headquarters in the Netherlands and country offices in Malawi, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. Edukans provide marginalised children and youngsters around the world with basic education and vocational training.

In 2022 Edukans Foundation Malawi continued in phase 3 the STAR Leadership for STAR Schools project, which is aligned to the school management pillar of the Edukans Edu-STARs model, together with its strategic partner Education Expertise Development Foundation (EEDF). The Edu- STARs Model recognises five pillars of a good school based on international best practices, which include: 1) Learning Environment, 2) Learning, 3) Teaching, 4) School Management and 5) Parent and Community Involvement. Its local partner is the Education Commission of the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

The project worked with 20 primary schools, chosen among the schools that participated in phase 1 and 2. 100 school managers were trained, either as a first-time training or through refresher courses in general school management, and one microproject committee at each school was also trained in entrepreneurship, reaching a total of 20 committees.

Focus has been given to the implementation and management of microprojects, as they have proven to add value both to the quality of education at the schools and also serve as resource mobilisation and examples of environmental sustainability.

Microprojects were started in phase 2. They are small thematic based child-centred demonstration projects established at school level to facilitate practical learning. They enhance Action Based Learning and People Centred Planning.

Additional small funds were given for improvement of the school environment, for example through establishment of vegetable gardens and tree planting.

The Star Leadership for Star Schools project continues to change attitudes and practices among schools and community members. The wider engagement of more people around the school makes the school stronger, both in terms of atmosphere, transparency and accountability to the children and their parents.

The Star Leadership for Star Schools

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